Maximilian Schöberl, Head of Corporate Communications and Politics, BMW Group (partner company)

“The BMW Group has been a supporter of the Academic Society since the very beginning. I personally value it highly as a platform for active exchange between business and science.
The Academic Society stands for clearly focused, practice-oriented research. We need that right now more than ever.”

Maximilian Schöberl
Head of Corporate Communications and Politics
BMW Group

The Academic Society cooperates with scientific partners and companies in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland):

  • six professors
  • four universities
  • around 50 leading German and international companies.

Getting involved


Karen Berger, Academic Society

Karen Berger
Fon: +49-341-9735052
Mail: berger@akademische-gesellschaft.com

The Academic Society for Management & Communication can be supported in three different ways:

  • Making a tax-deductible donation to the Guenter Thiele Foundation as the legal representative of the Academic Society
  • Taking out an advertisement in the annual report of the Academic Society
  • A sponsorship or cooperation agreement with the Academic Society (ideally for a three-year period).

The basic annual subscription is €10,000 per company. Payment in advance is possible on request.

Benefits for our partner companies

Partner companies benefit from the activities of the Academic Society in several ways:

  • Personal access to the Academic Society’s exclusive network of professors, researchers, and corporate communications executives
  • Propose research projects to be financed and implemented by the Academic Society.
  • Participate in research projects and thus gain sound insights into their own communication work
  • Access the latest findings, theories, and studies from international PR research
  • Attend regular face-to-face learning and knowledge-sharing events (depending on the event, the management level and/or the team level is invited)
  • Access a wide range of publications, webinars, workshops, conferences, and other offerings
  • Contribute to the professionalization of communications management, promote the acceptance of their function, and support the expansion of global PR knowledge.