Salzgitter AG is a new partner company

Thorsten Möllmann, Salzgitter AG

The Academic Society welcomes Thorsten Möllmann from Salzgitter AG as a new sponsor!

Since May 2022, he has been Head of Communications and Brand at Salzgitter AG, one of Germany’s leading steel and technology groups. Previously, he was responsible for Communications & Public Affairs at the automotive and industrial supplier Schaeffler and was already a partner of the Academic Society in this function. He has extensive international experience in various industrial sectors. For many years, he was responsible for various management functions at EADS, and later Airbus.

We asked Thorsten Möllmann what currently motivates him and why he is once again involved as a partner company:

I am with you again…

…because I consider the exchange between science and practice in corporate communications to be indispensable, and I highly value the exchange of experiences as well as the results of scientific project work. Only by constantly evaluating one’s own processes and activities can one become better.

The greatest challenges for communication at Salzgitter AG are…

… explain the company’s transformation to all stakeholders and establish the Group as a leader in the Circular Economy world, the world of holistically considered product and service cycles.

A (research) topic that particularly interests me at the moment:

What opportunities does AI offer corporate communications, opportunity or curse?