Academic Society appoints CCOs of Beiersdorf, Bosch, Otto Group and Pfizer Germany to new Executive Board
The Academic Society for Corporate Management & Communication is expanding its existing management team: as of January 1, 2023, Prof. Dr. Christof E. Ehrhart, Susanne Straetmans, Anke Schmidt and Thomas Voigt will become part of the management team. In addition, Karen Berger and Dr. Christine Viertmann will join the newly created Executive Board. With this step, communication science and communication practice are to be even more closely interlinked in the future.

The Academic Society for Corporate Management & Communication is Europe’s leading academic think tank for strategic communication. The non-profit initiative is currently supported by four universities and around 40 partner companies. In the future, both sides – science and practice – will be jointly represented on the newly created Executive Board and will further develop the think tank. Effective January 1, 2023, the Academic Society appoints the following four corporate representatives to the governing body:
- Prof. Dr. Christof E. Ehrhart, Executive Vice President Corporate Communications & GovernmentalAffairs, Robert Bosch and Honorary Professor, University of Leipzig
- Anke Schmidt, Vice President Corporate Communications & Government Relations, Beiersdorf
- Susanne Straetmans, Director Communications, Cluster Lead EU BIG 5, Pfizer
- Thomas Voigt, Group Vice President Corporate Communications and Political Affairs, Otto Group
They will join Prof. Dr. Sabine Einwiller (University of Vienna), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Röttger (University of Münster), Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieglitz (University of Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfaß (University of Leipzig), and Karen Berger and Dr. Christine Viertmann as directors for the next two years.
Prof. Ansgar Zerfass of the University of Leipzig, co-founder of the Academic Society“We are delighted to have such an important practical perspective on our management board. The new management structure is in line with our mission to contribute to the professionalization and profiling of corporate communications.”
The management team will coordinate closely with the two advisory boards of the Academic Society – the Scientific Advisory Board (consisting of academics from the partner universities) and the Corporate Advisory Board (consisting of representatives from the partner companies) – and drive forward the transfer of knowledge relating to corporate communications.