Success factor consulting – How service providers support the agile transformation

Communication Insights - Erfolgsfaktor Beratung

The road to agile corporate communications is often difficult for organizations to navigate alone. An independent perspective from consultants or the special know-how of service providers can be very valuable here.

The University of Münster has intensively studied the role of external partners for transformation and summarized the most important findings in the new edition of Communication Insights “Success Factor Consulting”.

  • How can consultants and service providers support communications departments on the path to greater agility?
  • How does the transformation process work?
  • How are managers coached?
  • And how does collaboration with agencies change when agile working takes hold on both sides?

Citation: Wiencierz, C., Roettger, U., & Berger, K. (2020). Erfolgsfaktor Beratung. Wie Berater und Dienstleister den Weg zu einer agilen Unternehmenskommunikation unterstützen (Communication Insights, Issue 7). Leipzig, Germany: Akademische Gesellschaft für Unternehmensführung & Kommunikation.

ISSN 2749-893X