Europas führender Thinktank zur strategischen Kommunikation


4. November 2024

Employee appreciation, as this two-year research project by the University of Vienna shows, is more than a nice-to-have. It’s a necessity to attract and retain talent in today’s competitive labor market.

1. Oktober 2024

At the 25th annual EUPRERA congress, scholars from across Europe gathered in Bucharest to explore the latest research in strategic communication. A number of Academic Society scholars presented their research projects.

1. Juli 2024

What do executives, middle managers and co-workers think about their communication department? A survey reveals an urgent need for action.

27. Juni 2024

With the ability to create new content, questions arise about the creative potential of AI. To what extent is the creative performance of AI comparable to that of humans?

20. Juni 2024

Employee appreciation, as this two-year research project by the University of Vienna shows, is more than a nice-to-have. It’s a necessity to attract and retain talent in today’s competitive labor market.

30. Mai 2024

Finding themselves at the crossroads of an uncertain future, companies are seeking ways to increase the sustainability of their products, processes, and operations. Corporate communications must also become more sustainable.

13. Mai 2024

As AI and digital technology evolve, quantifying value is critical. While maturity models are standard in management, their suitability for communication practices is uncertain.

16. April 2024

The metaverse heralds a new era for internal communication in companies, providing immersive and interconnected workspaces that facilitate seamless collaboration across physical boundaries.

12. Februar 2024

The value of information is diminishing due to the continuous surge in the volume and accessibility of data and content.






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realisierte Forschungsprojekte


Stimmen aus der Praxis

Prof. Dr. Christof Ehrhart, Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation, Außenbeziehungen und Markenmanagement, Robert Bosch GmbH und Honorarprofessor für Internationale Unternehmenskommunikation an der Universität Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Christof Ehrhart
Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation, Außenbeziehungen und Markenmanagement

“Wie viel Wissenschaft braucht die Praxis? So viel, dass sie auch in Zeiten fundamentalen Wandels noch weiß, wo sie steht und wohin sie sich entwickelt.”

Susanne Straetmans, Pfizer, Director Communications, Cluster Lead EU BIG5

Susanne Straetmans
Director Communications,
Cluster Lead EU BIG 5

“Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass wir wichtige Impulse setzen und die Kommunikation gemeinsam weiter professionalisieren können.”

Thomas Voigt, Group Vice President Corporate Communications and Political Affairs
Otto Group, Hamburg

Thomas Voigt
Otto Group
Group Vice President Corporate
Communications and Political Affairs

“Seit über zehn Jahren führen wir einen derart fruchtbaren Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis, wie ich ihn nie zuvor erlebt habe.”

Unsere Partner aus Wissenschaft und Praxis