Generative AI applications in Corporate Communications Practice


Swaran Sandhu

Prof. Dr. Swaran Sandhu

About the research project

Title: Generative AI applications in Corporate Communications Practice: Expectations, Evaluation and Evolution

Project period: 2025 to 2026

Generative AI tools can already create texts, images, videos and voice applications in good quality, analyze and process data and conduct conversations. However, it often remains unclear how, why and with what results these tools are used in corporate communications.


Research questions

  1. What expectation structures do communication departments have for the use of generative AI tools? (Expectation Gap)
  2. How is the use of AI tools planned and measured? (Evaluation Gap)
  3. What consequences does this have for the self-image of the communication department and what options for action arise from this? (Evolution Gap)


The plan is to use a mix of methods with the process owners, consisting of interviews, case and process descriptions and an adapted Delphi study.