How to play the game – Strategic tools for managing corporate communications

Communication Insights - How to play the game

“How to play the game” presents new tools and frameworks for successful communication management. Furthermore it seeks to create a common understanding of how communication contributes to corporate success.

Based on of a literature analysis of more than 800 publications and 10 case studies with leading German and international corporations, five new frameworks were developed, answering the following questions:

  • Which roles are performed by Chief Communication Officers?
  • How to communication departments contribute to success?
  • What are the core values generated by communication?
  • How can communication be aligned with corporate strategy?
  • How can communication be managed and steered?

Four interviews with communications and strategy managers from thyssenkrupp, Osram, GIZ and Voith provide an insight into corporate practice.

Citation: Volk, S. C., Berger, K., Zerfass, A., Bisswanger, L., Fetzer, M., Köhler, K. (2017). How to play the game. Strategic tools for managing corporate communications and creating value for your organization (Communication Insights, Issue 3). Leipzig, Germany: Academic Society for Management & Communication. Available online at

ISSN 2749-893X